Thank you in advance for your kind words. I value honesty the most because I believe there is always room for improvement. I want to be better every day and grow with and for my clients

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich

Mahmoud Shamroukh

It’s very nice photo ,
Thanks 🙏

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Хорошее видео. Интересная подача

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Отличные фото. Высокое качество. Яркие и четкие

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich

Наталья Новицкая

Замечательные получились фото! Очень живые, очень точно передают ощущения от мероприятия!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich

E hastings

Many many many thanks the pictures are perfect!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich

Maxine Adams

Always great to work with you Anastasija! Big love!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich

Maxine Adams

As always, the event was captured to perfection! Thank you Anastasia for always getting it right! Huge hugs xx

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich

Maxine Adams

As always, Anastasia captured the event perfectly! Just love love love these photos! :)

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich



I loved your work , you were super profesional

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich



REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Love your work as always! Its a pleasure working together. Thank you Anastasia!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Amazing photos! I really loved having Nastya at our wedding as a photographer. She made not only amazing photos in a style that i was dreaming about but also her personality & her energy spiced up our wedding day! Thank you, Nastya, for your light and happy energy during this day, it helped a lot to stay focused and look amazing on all photos!
REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich



Великолепие 🔥 Анастасия очень легкий проводник к прекрасному! Настолько точно сотворить чудо по запросу клиента - это невероятно! Браво Анастасия! Браво ❤️

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


amazing!!!! adorable!!! fantastic!!!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


I am always so happy with the outcome of your work Anastasija, thank you once again for the great shots! M x

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich



Настя отличный фотограф. с ней легко и весело, даже тем, кому страшно фотографироваться. и результат превзошел все ожидания. Я бы повторила с удовольствием

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


thank you so much i appreciate it

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Perfect, thank you for your work

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Finaly we found some time. Amazing pictures and great experiance.

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich

Oksana Vashova


Анастасия - человек на своём месте. С ней очень приятно взаимодействовать. Она видит человека, но вместе с тем и слышит. С ней легко. Во время фотосессии было весело. Кроме того, она прекрасный собеседник. фото получились отличные. Результат превзошёл ожидания. Рекомендую Настю. Совет - берите минимум 2 часа. Наслаждайтесь по полной☀️

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


All looks lovely and fun. Love it! It was great!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich

Giordana Marketing department - Four Points by Sheraton Catania

Your pictures are wonderful thank you so much for your work!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


YOU WERE THE BEST!!! This photoshoot was the highlight of our trip, seriously. You made me feel comfortable and confident from the very beginning of the shoot. We could not have asked for a better experience.

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich

Fabio Kuhn



In my opinion, makes not only one of the best pictures but also puts into their work incredible emotion and a passion.

It is incredibly fun to shoot with her and she is extremely attuned to the personalities that are in front of the camera.

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich



Your work is absolutely gorgeous! You are such a talented photographer. You are motivating you know exactly what looks good, you give perfect advices. Thank you sooo much! Hope we can shoot together again😍

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich

Julie Starseeds


Thank you for this amazing experience and fun... hope to see you soon when we'll go to Ibiza to celebrate our turnover at McDonald's with Champagne in robe and sleepers.

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich



Шикарные фото от лучшего фотографа Будапешта ❤️‍🔥

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Anastasia one of the best! thank you for this shoot and i'm looking forward to the next one

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich

Yasemin Delikan


Love these photos both, black and white and especially the colores ones. Also the shooting was super fun! Just playig around in front of the camera and catching the moment and the result is amazing!!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


I love how you motivate people while taking photos 😍

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich

Maxine Adams

Love your work and I am happy that we have again worked together successfully!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Really nice pictures have been made.

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich

TEATRO di fragola

Great mood pictures, and beautiful colors. Thank you for documenting the event so realistically.

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


I'm in love! and I have to say, your wonderful positive attitude was so refreshing to have join us. Thank you so much for your work and your heart towards this spontaneous project!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Анастасия с фотоаппаратом - это тигр в джунглях.
Грация, мастерство.

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich



Я в восторге!!! Настя видео просто шикарное! Такие крутые цвета и качество!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich

Anastasia Wagner

Идеально!круто креативно волшебно!!!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Спасибо за такие замечательные фото

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich



Лучшая фотосессия! Хочу ещё!!! Когда??? Приезжайте ко мне в Кельн, сделаем фотодень!!!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Фотосессия с Настей - одно удовольствие! Настя- супер мотиватор и профессионал своего дела! После 5 минут общения забываешь о стеснении, неловкости и воплощаешь свои мечты в реальность! Исходники пересылаются на следующий день, обработанные снимки готовы через пару дней. В общем и целом - я в восторге!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Спасибо огромное. Было легко взаимодействовать во время фотосессии. Все было непринуждённо и искренне. Надеюсь ещё увидимся 😉Таня и Сергей

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Отличная работа, было очень весело , скорей всего мы увидимся ещё!!!!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Super! Klasse! Schön! Fantastisch! Großartig!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Великолепные фотографии, яркие, правильные свет, постановка. Просто замечательно!
Спасибо за профессионализм!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich

Юлия Вагнер

Фотографии супер!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Офигенно крутые фотки,такие же как фотограф!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Настя, спасибо огромное тебе за этот день!!!!! Яне,как стилисту.Это был мой первый опыт, и я думаю, что для новичка я неплохо справилась 😃. По началу чувствовала себя не в своей тарелке, скованая была что-ли, но потом я немного расслабилась, т.к ты сделала всё для этого!!!! В следующий раз будет только круче!!!!! Спасибо🙏💕

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Анастасия очень приятна в общении, и что очень важно создаёт очень располагающую атмосферу для качественной и приятной съёмки. Также приятно, что Анастасия открыта к идеям и пожеланиям клиента, а также активно участвует в выборе образов.

Спасибо за замечательную съёмку! :)

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Спасибо огромное фотографу Анастасии, за ее профессионализм и настроение на съемке. За 4 года она первый фотограф которому я смогла довериться и раскрепоститься. Всегда поможет настроиться на съёмку. Очень комфортна в общении. А фотографии получились просто шикарные — нет слов, жду ее опять в России) для следующей съемки!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Свою первую фотосессию у Насти я выиграла в гивэвейе, и после этого я влюбилась в ее работы. Она была первым фотографом который смог раскрыть и снять каждый мой образ именно так как я себе представляла и даже лучше. Это очень круто, когда человек тебя чувствует и Вы работаете на одной волне! С Настей очень приятно работать, она умеет создать очень легкую атмосферу на съёмке! Очень советую, мой самый любимый фотограф! 🤎

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Заказывали фотосессию для упаковки аккаунта клиента. На контакт идет хорошо, сразу закрыла все вопросы и мы полностью доверились. Не зря, результат отличный.

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich

Alina Olenberg

Настя у тебя золотые руки и объектив!  Мне очень понравилась фотосессия с тобой! Профессиональный подход, советы, образы, благодарю тебя за твою работу! Всем советую.

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Dear Anastasia. We loved every single moment spending together at the photosession in Budapest. I love even those photos that are not retouched :) Thank you so much for your creativity.

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Strongly recommended! Professional, fast, fun 🤩

View the gallery
REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Being on set with Anastasya is a real pleasure, and the results speak for themselves. This time Nastya outdid herself, I’m extremely happy with the results. Apart from the crazy positive attitude, she sets herself apart by making sure you get what you wished for 🎉 Thank you !

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


Had an amazing experience shooting with Nastya. She is the perfect combo of professionalism and fun. She was amazing in making me feel like model, helped me open up and be confident in front of the camera. So, if you are looking for professional and quality pictures, original and creative photo shoot ideas, fun and friendly photographer with whom you can enjoy the time and be sure you'll get the desired results I'm 10000% recommending Nastya!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


I believe that Nastya is an outstanding professional photographer, because when you work with her, everything is easy, organized and feels natural. I've had couple of shootings with her and I can confirm that she is very talented and a wonderful person who puts all her energy in the work she is doing, so it's always 1000% what she provides. If you are looking for a creative and reliable photographer I truly recommend Nastya!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


I had an amazing time on set with Anastasia. We connected instantly, her natural charisma and positive vibes made the whole process enjoyable. She’s creative and really enjoys what she’s doing, this can be easily seen in her pictures and during the photoshoots! She has this energetic personality that will make you feel comfortable and forget about your inhibitions. Nastya is a truly talented photographer, after the photoshoot that we had, I started following her work and what is impressive is her dedication and drive to improve. I would definitely love to have more photoshoots with her.

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


It was ossom!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


It was super easy to work with Nastya. I felt comfortable and didn’t have to stress about how to pose. She has got plenty of ideas and she also has unique approach to each person. My friends and I had several shootings with Nastya and we are satisfied with all of them! Another thing to mention is that you don’t need to worry about the location. Nastya gets maximum number of backgrounds out of one place. Enjoy your photo day!

REVIEWS. Anastasia Krylova | Photographer in Budapest & Munich


I’ve had many shootings with different talented photographers, and I can’t say that some were better and some were worse. Each photographer has their own vision and style which helps you to see yourself from their perspective. With Nastya I could finally see myself as a beautiful, sexy, energized woman. She helped me to see those qualities that I felt I was missing. Also it was extra easy to work with her. You don’t have to worry about how you look like, how you pose, is your outfit okay. Everything is just so natural and easy - can only recommend!!!